Eat right to get it right.

Did you know that most heart disease is reversible when we follow the right eating pattern. So eat right to get it right.

Here are a few suggestions to help you get off to a good start on a healthy diet:

  1. It is better to bake, boil or steam foods, rather than fry. You can also bake your chips in the oven.
  2. Endeavour to eat more raw foods at every meal, either fruits or vegetables. Use a little lemon juice on salads instead of salad dressings high in fat.

3. Try to avoid between meal snacks. Research shows that snacking shuts down the digestive process to start another one. Consequently, digestion of previously eaten food is hindered.

4. It is very important to avoid foods that have hydrogenated fats. Hydrogenation changes the chemical structure of an oil by adding hydrogen atoms which saturate the unsaturated fats.

5. Check how you eat. It is better not eat too fast. This disallows proper digestion, which begins in the mouth, and tends to lead us to overeat, because the taste buds are not satisfied.

6. Make an effort to set a schedule for your day with a specific time to eat, exercise, rest and then do everything you can to stick with it. Once you are doing this for a while, your life will seem less stressful and you will feel better.

Five tips for good health.

  1. Exercise: Gentle and mild exercises are encouraged. Exercise strengthens the lungs and provides the system with more oxygen. During exercise, the lungs are trained to breathe more deeply while we increase their ability to expand.
  2. Good posture: Practice deep breathing. Shallow breathing is often due to tight fitting clothes and poor posture. This causes blood to become impure because there is less oxygen for the system. Consequently, we become depressed, our concentration is lessened, and our digestion disrupted.
  3. Drink enough water: Make sure you take enough water. Water is essential for good respiration. The lungs are 75 percent water and we lose at least one pint of water in our exhaled breath each day.
  4. Air purifier: Get an air purifier. For those who drive daily in heavy traffic, a portable air purifier in your car would certainly be of great benefit. There are also purifying units for the home

5. Eat good food: Aim to have good nutrition. Nutritious food is always good for us. It keeps us nourished and helps boosts our moods. Go for healthy fruits, vegetables, fibre, lean meat, nuts and whole foods.

Stop bottling up your feelings.

Bottling up one’s feelings can actually led to heart disease a study found out. It is a god idea to stand up and speak out for all the things stressing you out. ‘Suppressed feelings can be associated with heart disease. Keeping a lid on your anger and sweeping things under the carpet can certainly rise your blood pressure and could even cause heart spasms. A Belgian study found that heart patients who were socially inhibited and therefore unable to seek support, were four times more likely to have a second heart attack, while other research at Duke University Medical Center in the US showed those who were lonely or isolated-so less able to share their feelings- had a significantly higher risk of dying from heart disease. But before you let all that anger out by flying off the handle, other studies have suggested a hot temper may also be bad news for your heart. So be careful and know wen not exceed yourself.

Help yourself and for the habit of talking over your feelings with your partner or a friend. It is also a good idea to boost your nutrition by consuming more fruits , vegetable and fibre for overall wellbeing.

Be assertive.

Being assertive is a very pool to a great life. A life in which you will be confident and appear in control to your peers an people around you. Did you know that ‘No’ is an extremely powerful word which, in the early stages of transforming your life, can be most useful. The life coaching process itself encourages you to be positive and assertive. But often before you can do this you need to learn to say ‘no’ to anything or anyone that drains your energy and is not in your best interests.

In this busy world, where we’re all encouraged to be upbeat and positive and to say ‘yes’, many of us find it extremely difficult to say ‘no’. If you’re someone who is always chasing around after others, it’s highly likely that you need to learn to be in control of your life and start saying ‘no’ a lot more than you currently do. If something isn’t enhancing your life, ask yourself why you’re doing it. Is it worthwhile? Is it to please other people? Has it outlived its purpose in your life? If you don’t have a very good reason for doing something, just say ‘no’ to it! If you find it difficult, practice.

Stand in front of a standing mirror and let your mouth form the word ‘no’. Next time you’re faced with a request, buy yourself time by saying, ‘Can I think about it? or it depends. These two sentence will change your lfe in an enhancing way.

Someone once said, ‘if you never say “no”, then what is your “yes” worth?’ If you think about this for a minute, by saying ‘no’, what you are doing is creating the space for your ‘yes’ to really mean something.

Develop an inspirational environment.

A clean and well organized environment is vital to having inspiration and peace of mind. It is a good idea to develop an inspirational environment, both at home and at work. Create a tranquil, harmonious home as one of the cornerstones of your life. If the space you inhabit has a positive atmosphere, you’re more likely to be in a position to operate at your best.

Do you like the area where you live? Do you like the area where you work? If it’s not ideal, what can you do to make the best of it? Is your home somewhere you can relax and recharge? Does it suit your preferred lifestyle?

Sometimes small changes like changing the lighting, adding shelving, fresh flowers, music, pictures-can make a big difference. At work, adding plants and making sure you have a clear desk and tidy files can give you more energy to be productive. Think what you can do to improve your own space.

Remove the energy blocks.

In order to progress fully, one need to remove the stagnant energy blockers. Once the energy blocks, clutters, limiting beliefs have been taken care of, you’ll find you’ve created more space in your life for positive energy. Consider what you can do to get more of this.

  • Who and what gives you mental and emotional energy, inspiration and zest for life?
  • What specific changes can you make to your health and well-being to increase your physical energy?
  • Take action to integrate these energy boosters into your day-to-day life!

Remember, to change your life, you need to change your approach and motivate yourself on your own terms. What works for you as an individual may not work for someone else. The more you understand yourself, the greater the likelihood of overcoming your resistance to blocks in your life.

Think back to a time when you felt motivated and in charge. What was happening around you? Connect regularly to your own source of motivation and you’ll maintain the momentum to- blast through any blocks!

Developing a winning mindset.

Developing the right attitude:

1. Build on your known strengths. Start from known to unknown. So you start with what you know is working well and go from there.

2. Distance yourself from negativity. Know that people who grow-negative labels and judge your actions all the time don’t help anybody.

3. Embrace positivity. Recognize that change can be fun and rewarding and know the difference.

4. Form or have a flexible approach- when something isn’t working, it’s time to change.

5. Know the place of softness and sensitivity at work and at home and know when to be being tough to achieve your aim.

6. Laughter is a great medicine. Put a sense of humour and spontaneity into your day to day life.

7.All work and no play….. Remember work is part of your life and find time to have a break and time for play.

8. Have a nice rapport with colleagues and your network. This is the best foundation for business. When the relationship is right, the business and promotions will follow.

9. Concentrate and focus on outcomes o that you can figure out how to get to your goal.

10. Be a good communicator. Be a good Listener, remember that the words are just part of the message, know that body language is also part of communication. You need all your senses to connect with the world.

Tips to promote love in your marriage.

Tips to promote an atmosphere of love and mutual fulfillment:

Are you a romantic wife? If not, start making phone call to say, “I love you”.

Leave special love notes for him and send thoughtful cards expressing your love in tender words.

Give your spouse physical attention: Hold hands, touch tendency, hug and kiss often.

Be submissive to your husband and be loyal to him in every way.

Husband respect your wife and seek her opinion in decision making. Let your wife know your whereabout.

Take time to remain attractive both in spirit and on the outside. Show a rewarding serenity and maintain a steady feminine approach.

Live a high voltage life.


  • Make a list of the top 10 things that you’re putting up with and make you feel stuck.
  • Select four of these, address them and eliminate them by the end of the week.

Revisit your list again and again and put a date by the side of each issue to confirm when you will have resolved it. Gradually, one by one, work at eliminating them. You’ll find this process is ongoing. As you address certain sludges, new ones often crop up sometimes. An efficient way of managing this is to marshal out a system for keeping on top of things. Perhaps you can set aside a specific time each week to tackle sludges or issues and agree areas of responsibility with the people around you at home and/or work.

As you start to get rid of things you’ve been putting up with, you’ll feel lighter and have more energy. The more actions you take, the more positive the space around you will become and the clearer your path ahead will appear! This is also very crucial as it concerns our surroundings.

Take charge of your life.

Learn to take charge of your life. In this busy world, where we’re all encouraged to be upbeat and positive and to say ‘yes’, many of us find it extremely difficult to say ‘no’. If you’re someone who is always chasing around after others, it’s highly likely that you need to learnt to say ‘no’ a lot more than you currently do. If something isn’t enhancing your life, ask yourself why you’re doing it. Is it worthwhile? Has it outlived its purpose in your life? If you don’t have a very good reason for doing something, just say ‘no’ to it! If you find it difficult, practice.

Stand in front of a mirror and let your mouth form the word ‘no’. Next time you’re faced with a request, buy yourself time by saying, ‘Can I think about it?

Someone once said, ‘if you never say “no”, then what is your “yes” worth?’ If you think about this for a minute, by saying ‘no’, what you are doing is creating the space for your ‘yes’ to really mean something.