Bottling up one’s feelings can actually led to heart disease a study found out. It is a god idea to stand up and speak out for all the things stressing you out. ‘Suppressed feelings can be associated with heart disease. Keeping a lid on your anger and sweeping things under the carpet can certainly rise your blood pressure and could even cause heart spasms. A Belgian study found that heart patients who were socially inhibited and therefore unable to seek support, were four times more likely to have a second heart attack, while other research at Duke University Medical Center in the US showed those who were lonely or isolated-so less able to share their feelings- had a significantly higher risk of dying from heart disease. But before you let all that anger out by flying off the handle, other studies have suggested a hot temper may also be bad news for your heart. So be careful and know wen not exceed yourself.

Help yourself and for the habit of talking over your feelings with your partner or a friend. It is also a good idea to boost your nutrition by consuming more fruits , vegetable and fibre for overall wellbeing.