Habits, Health and Happiness
Try our simple quiz and check your diet profile
How many soft drinks, fizzy drinks or diet drinks do you have daily?
a) 1
b) 2-4
c) More than 4
2. Do you suffer from bloating, indigestion, stomach pains or heartburn?
a) never
b) rarely
c) often
3. How many cups of Coffee/tea do you drink daily?
a) 0-1
b) 2-3
c) 4 or more
4. How much alcohol do you drink a week? One unit is equal to a glass of wine, a single measure of spirits or a bottle of beer.
a) For women: fewer than seven units. For men: fewer than 13 units
b) For women: 8-16 units. For men: 14-20 units
c) For women: 16 units or more. For men: 21 units or more
5. How many pieces of fruit do you eat daily?
a) More than 3
b) 1-3
c) 0 -1
6. How many meals do you eat each day which include bread, rice, garri, pasta or yam?
a) one
b) two
c) three
7. How many portions of Vegetables do you eat each week?
a) More than 7
b) 4-7
c) 2-4
8. How often do you eat fast food, microwave meals or processed food a week?
a) rarely
b) Several times a week
c) every day
9. How often do you eat red meat?
a) rarely
b) several times a week
c) every day
10. How many daily meals do you have that include dairy products?
a) one meal
b) two meals
c) every meal
11. Do you smoke?
a) never
b) upto 10 a day
c) more than 10 a day
12. How many glasses of water do you drink daily?
a) More than I litre (4 cups)
b) between Y2-1 litre (2-4 cups)
c) Less than 1/2 litre (2 cups)
If your answers are:
Mostly A
You’re doing really well, you may not even realise it but you’re eating the ideal pH balanced diet -70% alkaline-forming foods and 30% acid-forming ones.
Mostly B
Your diet is at best 50/50.
Adjusting the balance will make all the difference to your health and energy.
Mostly C
You have high acidity Levels. At best you’re eating 30% alkaline-forming foods and 70% acid-forming foods. Take action, It’s time to restore the alkaline balance of your body.